Movement and health in yoga games 4 - 6 years


Games, movement, fitness, stretching and asanas. Everything in motion, improving motorskills, building confidence, collective behavior, love of movement and then sweet sleep :-)

Let the children run, jump, find their own place in a group of friends, find a space where they are themselves and can create their own stories. For preschool children or newly attending school, a lesson full of games and imagination. It supports memory, concentration, communication and mutual cooperation in a group of children of the same age. Psychomotor games for children develop not only their physical side, but also the mental side, children have fun, motivation and feeling of joy. Through yoga, children get rid of stress and return to games and mental relaxation and children's joy. And yoga stories develop imagination and creativity.

Yoga poses return children to positions on the ground and strengthen the muscles around the spine and interscapular muscles, open the shoulders, support deep stabilizers and abdominal muscles. They correct incorrect posture.

Vytvořilo FEO