Ellenka is an amazing six-year-old girl, a fighter who gives a smile even when everyone around her is in tears. She was happy three and half year old child, experiencing the same things as her peers. However, in November 2017, a malignant disease entered her life and she was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma with metastases in the node, bones and liver.

After surgery, she started chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the treatment did not work and Ellen went to Prague with her mother to the Department of Nuclear Medicine to administer a highly radioactive substance. This treatment did not work either, and Ellen developed many complications. Another operation followed in February, followed by high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplantation, and two months later, several weeks of radiation.

Unfortunately, even the following examination did not bring good news, so the doctors approached the last option and started next treatment with drug Qarziba.

Next examination finally showed a remission of the disease in the bones, and Ellen became the first girl in the Czech Republic for whom this drug worked. However, the joy did not last long, another examination revealed a metastasis to the brain. Ellen underwent a difficult surgery, in which the metastasis was successfully removed, followed by weeks of radiation, and when her blood count leveled another chemotherapy could begin.

Challenging treatment means a great loss of strength for Ellen. But she would still like to do things like her peers. A special tricycle appears to be an ideal tool to be more active again and at the same time great rehabilitation opportunity, but its purchase price exceeds the possibilities of the family.

We would like to buy Ellen from the proceeds of Karma Yoga lessons the mentioned special tricycle, which will help Ellen with daily movement and rehabilitation.


Thank you very much for your support :-)

Vytvořilo FEO